Monday, July 1, 2024

So, What's New?

 Hi all,

 Been doing a lot of work on non - Twilight:2000 projects. That would include some stuff for Battletech, a novel I've been writing, and some other potentially paid gigs. That said, I am working on some miniature items of interest that I have recently come across, including...

  • Some "rescue dog" M1 tanks I am fixing with the aid of some aftermarket parts and my spare bin. 
  • A few kits I managed to source from fellow fanatic Jorge De Rio, who sold me some parts I needed for fixing the other rescue dogs, and some M551 Sheridan kits, a M106 Mortar Carrier, and a Leo 1.
  • Rebasing and modernizing my 20mm lead collection. I am not happy with what they're based on right now, and I know I can do better.
  • Writing my first real adventure "Charters of Freedom" for Version 2.2, and I am going to see if you can make it into something fun and miniatures suitable. 
  • Discovered the joys of MDF buildings, and there's a few of interest to the T2K gamer that I'll be talking about shortly, including BILLBOARDS!!!! Nothing says "the world has gone to hell" like a peeling billboard.
So, if you like what this portends, stick around, I promise I'll have more out. I know I've been infrequent, but hey, when you're a working writer, deadlines and paying clients take precedence.

That said, if you'll notice the red "Buy Me Coffee" button, and you feel inclined? Throw me a couple of bucks. It helps me get more stuff to add to the collection, review and gives me more stuff to talk about here on the blog. You don't have to, but I'd appreciate it.

Anyhow, that's it for now, figured I'd let people know we aren't dead.

Plus, tomorrow, I turn 50. It was time to take stock, and think about a few things. And I admit, I missed this place.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! I also discovered 20mm MDF buidilngs, lot of fun.


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