Monday, July 22, 2024

Historicon, and Where I Plan to Go With This Blog

Am back from Historicon and I have much to report. First, the Flea Market was good, and I grabbed more than a few 1/300 planes and am building my modern stuff for a potential Central Front in the war that never was. It ought to be a lot of fun, and I can recycle some GDW Air Superiority/Air Strike scenarios. I'll also be building Iran-Iraq but that's not as big a deal for this blog.

Also managed to grab some 20mm Moderns from the old defunct Scorpion's Nest Terminus V game (I had the rules, but man, they were kinda odd). They were painted modern and I can use them for PC groups for Twilight 2000 or random encounter groups.

As for games? I got into some 20mm and 28mm Modern games using Force on Force rules. Their focus wasn't Cold War, but modern, and I have noticed a lot of Team Yankee games at the con. Frankly, I am leaning to try to put together some good old-fashioned T2K-inspired miniatures games to run at Historicon next year. 

What say you all to the idea of a game that did the ambush from Ruins of Warsaw? I am thinking of taking the orbat from the GDW Last Battle game, as well as working from the module itself. I actually ran it once before, but I wasn't nuts about the rules. I think I'd either use Force on Force or No End in Sight. I like both rules, but I think No End in Sight might run faster. Probably modify it a bit to work on the fact everybody in the game is running low on consumables.

Terrain might be an issue, but I am in contact with these fellas. I purchased some 28mm and 20mm terrain and I am quite happy with what I got. I can say their 28mm Spanish Church is nice and sturdy looking. 

All in all, just need to get a little terrain together and paint some figures, but it shouldn't give me too much trouble.

As for the future of this blog? I intend to keep it on the topics it's on. I think a strict focus is best for a blog, and I will just revitalize FestungPlatz for all things World War II. My Battletech blog is probably in cold storage for now, as I haven't done much CBT in a while. Hell, I haven't played Alpha Strike for a long time. That said, I am still a fan, just want to play my way in my universe. so that might get a new revitalization and slightly new direction soon.

SF 15 also needs revitalization. I have been thinking along some lines for my 15mm Sci-fi and I owe some painted projects to the masses. 

My own writing career has taken off. I've signed a contract with Pen and Sword on a project I can't say too much right now, and I have some other projects I am working on. So, the blog will be secondary, but I am monetizing at least this one. It will be voluntary. I don't like doing the hard sell. Like what you see, toss a few bucks to help defray costs? I am still working on Charters of Freedom, but it's taking some time. Got a source for maps, and it should make things faster. As soon as it's done, I intend to email Mr. Miller again and ask him if he'd like to license it?

That's it for now, but I am going to try to write more here. I've missed it here. 

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