Monday, September 2, 2024

MDF Buildings, Part 2, Painting

So I finished the building this weekend, and at first, I was freaking out. I thought I'd just about ruined it.

So what did I do? Well, Tactical Painter has a host of house paints to work with. All I have is white. I used that as a primer coat. It worked very well, but you must put on more than one coat for total coverage. News flash, you don't want or need it. Just enough to get some texture here. Next, I used some arts and craft paints, namely a milk color, and then a fawn color to kind of tone down the white and make it look a little more brownish grime and that sort of build-up. I then used Citadel Agrax Earthshade to work on the corners and the lines to bring them out. That worked well over the permanent ink pen I initially used.

What really made this thing pop was a mix of more craft paint, this time, another craft paint, this time, a True Red mixed with Vallejo Model Color Ivory. It nailed the "faded red look" on the doors and windows I was going for. And thus, I was very pleased with the end result. I might work on some other ideas, like curtains and the like, but who knows. It turned out pretty nice in the end. 

I am sold on MDF now, with a little work, and some forethought, you can really make a building sing. I have a lot more to paint, so I'll be doing them here. My future endeavors will turn out as nice!

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