US Forces in Poland
by Jorge Del Rio
An article for 500 Miles to the German Border
This article is solely an overview of the Forces that our group has met or will meet in their attempt to leave Poland.
The troops are mostly members of the NATO Allies that were fighting in the area in June of 2000.
The primary members are small groups of troops from the 4-12 Cavalry, which was 5th IDs Divisional Cavalry Squadron, the 1-11th Infantry and 3-11th Infantry. The 5th ID was destroyed recently near Kalisz, however multiple small groups of troopers are scattered everywhere. Several groups ended up south of Kalisz in hiding where the Command Group encounters the commander of the local Polish Home Army.
The Command Group
The Command Group is what I call the primary group of explorers; they are not exempt from getting killed especially if they suck at rolling their dice. Most of us have several player characters in the game at the same time.
The Battalion Commander Major Jeremy Rivers is the former Squadron Operation Officer for the 4th/12th Cav, he has a 4 member team with him in his M1165A1 command HMMWV, the team is composed of Elhiem and Hotspur miniatures and one of the many HMMWVs that I have from Ken Overby.
Sergeant Major Steve Webber’s team – Sergeant Major Webber was my former partner and he was a 30 year veteran, who was whip smart and has sharp wit, his team is specialized, he has 9 other troopers, including 4 Air Force Special Tactics, Special Weather and JTAC personnel as well as a K9 Named Wolf, the other members of the team are 5 Covert Action Group operators one of which is his XO and wife using 2 M1114 armored HMMWV, they are a command level group that is also a Direct Action team.
The Squadron Command Section – in 2 M1165A1 command control communication vehicles they were giving a briefing to the Reconnaissance Surveillance Target Acquisition Platoon, which was part of the Corps Long Range Reconnaissance Company. The Captain in the operation cell is the 4-12th Squadron’s Intelligence Officer and 2 of his people round up the 10 personnel in this section of troops. In addition there are 10 Military Policemen that are the security element for the headquarters in 2 M1098 Hummvs with .50 cal HMG.
The Command Group, Picture by Author |
The Reconnaissance Surveillance Target Acquisition Platoon, commanded by 1st Lieutenant Travis Kaminsky and Lieutenant Ryan Christopher USN, the platoon was 40 personnel in strength until they were ambushed and lost 15 personnel, now 25 strong they have Polish GROM and PsK Marines as part of the platoon. They have 1 M1165A1, 1 M1114, 4 M1025/1028 and 2 M35A2 2.5 ton trucks, 1 of them, an Armored truck with 4 .50 caliber Machine Guns and 2 81mm Mortars, the other carrying all the heavy supplies of the platoon include half of the ammunition for their weapons, the vehicles Hummvs from Ken Overby and the Academy 2.5 ton trucks all the miniatures are from Elhiem Figures. The platoon also has 3 sniper teams. This Platoon and 3rd Platoon of Team Alpha became Team Bravo, 1-11th Infantry.
Team Alpha, 1-11th Infantry
The 1-11th Infantry Regiment, was organized into 2 infantry companies and a heavy Mechanized Infantry Combat Team, comprised of the battalion's remaining armor.
This Company was found south of Olesnica in the town of Nieciszow. The Company has 18 HMMWV (M1025/1028/ 1165 and M998 weapons carriers all from Ken Overby), 88 troopers most of these Elhiem Figures.
After meeting the Headquarters elements and RSTA platoon the decision was made by the Commander to take 3rd Platoon and attached it to the RSTA and reorganized as Team Bravo, 1- 11th Infantry, both companies and the Headquarters elements are currently in the vicinity of Prosna Creek, south west of Chotow, Poland.
Team Bravo, Picture by Author |
Team Bravo 1-11th Infantry
This company is made up of 3rd Platoon from A Company 1/11th Inf and the Reconnaissance Surveillance Target Acquisition Platoon combined to form a Company to give the group some depth on the ground like D Troop they have 8 M1025 Hummvs with 4 carrying TOW II Launchers, a Command Section of 1 M1165 and 1 M1114 Armored Hummv, and 1 M35 A2 Gun Truck. The reorganization of the 1-11th Infantry came about after meeting with the Polish Home Army Commander in Slawin, Poland.
4/12 Cav, Picture by Author |
C Troop, 4-12th Cavalry
The troop was part of the security screen for 5th Division. The troop was almost wiped out if not for the prudent and analytical mind of a young platoon leader. Realizng the platoon was cut off and had been bypassed, the unit hid in a nearby wood and played dead for hours. Once darkness fell, they repaired their vehicles and quietly slipped south to a wood area at a road intersection south east of the town of Slawin, Poland. The Troop consists of 24 Elhiem Figures, 4 M3A2 (Trumpeter) and 2 M1A1 (Trumpeter) and 2 M987A4 Fuel Tankers. This unit was merged with Combat Team Crowe to reinforce the Combat team
“Combat Team Crowe” 1-11th Infantry
“Combat Team Crowe” C Company, 1st Battalion, 11th Infantry- consists of the battalion’s Heavy Company with 10 M2A2 Bradleys and 4 M1A1 Abrams. The battalion was heavily engaged in Kalisz and attempted to withdraw, but were overrun and destroyed piecemeal. The only survivors are the Command Element, in 2 M2A2 Bradley 12 personnel, 1st platoon with 4 M2A2 and 24 personnel, and 3 M1A1 Abrams battle tanks from the Company Armor Platoon. All the Vehicles are Trumpeter and the figures are a mix of Elhiem, and Combat series, with a pack of the original Twilight: 2000 US infantry figures.
Combat Team Dawes, Picture by Author |
Combat Team Dawes, 3-11th Infantry
On the night of the 18th of July, while hiding in the woods north of the town of Chotow, Poland, what is left of L Company of the 3nd Battalion, 11th Infantry in 6 M113A1, 2 M901, 2 M106A1 and 1 M1A1 with a Mine plow joined C Company to give nearly full strength. Fuel and Ammo had been a major issue as the team was fighting and running they have made it to a dude ranch in the Polish Resort town of Slawin. The M113A1 are armed with twin Machine gunners, each of them also has a M2. 50 Cal gun team and 6 Riflemen for a total of 11 personnel, which would be deployed to form the perimeter defense for whatever base they form. The M106A1 have a 81mm Mortar team as well, as the crew members for the 120mm mortars with 7 crewmen for the 2 mortars. The M901 each have 2 Javelin teams with 3 Riflemen as support for a total of 7 personnel per carrier. This team’s strength was 84 personnel.
All the Vehicles are Trumpeter and the figures are a mix of Elhiem, and Combat series, with a pack of the original Twilight 2000 US infantry figures.
The 3rd Battalion, 11th Infantry S3 Operations Officer and the crew of his HMMWV had joined the 3rd/11th Platoon once they joined up with the other groups in the town of Olobok, they merged into the Squadron HQ
SF Teams, picture by Author |
Special Force Operational Detachment Alpha A311
US Army SF ODA A311 were members of the 3rd Battalion 20th Special Forces Group, team of operators was working deep in the Polish countryside alongside a Polish Special Operation Unit GROM Group using Soviet captured vehicles, and US Army ¼ ton trailers, with a M1077 truck with a 500 Gallon fuel bladder for their supplies.
The SF team had the mission to locate the SS-25s that were in the field, finding it they notified their C detachment which started the chain of events leading to the Death of the 5th Infantry Division, the team in their hides were able to pin point the attack that was under way, they reported it up the chain, only to be ignored.
The team and their GROM Counterparts are currently just west of the village of Slawin, Poland in a truck repair yard, repairing their M1077 which had a broken axle.
Task Unit “Ardent SARCAP”, Intelligence Support Agency
The Intelligence Support Agency was created in 1981, in the aftermath of the Iranian Hostage Crisis, under the US Army Intelligence and Security Command. The team is composed of 20 troopers they are using Polish Civilian vehicles and a couple of Russian Jeeps. This team was broken down into 4 sections command/support, HUMMIT, SIGNIT and a Direction Action team of 8 shooters which ,were to protect the other personnel.
Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Grade Mariana Davalos, a sultry Polish-American Blonde oversaw the HUMINT team, with 3 others, all dressed like peasant workers, they would travel around on horseback most of the time. They were in the St Laurent Catholic Church meeting with a contact from the Polish Home Army, when the 5th Division was destroyed to their north, the team remained in place trying to determined what happened to US troops.
The rest of the Ardent SARCAP team had set up operations headquarters alongside a team from the 30th Royal Marines Commando S Commando Company, SIGINT in an abandoned ranch southwest of Olobok, Poland.
SBS Boat, Picture by Author |
SBS Boat, Picture by Author |
45th Commando, Picture by Author |
W Company, 45th Royal Marines Commando
W Co. 45th Royal Marines Commando, is a 2 teams of British Royal Marines force, the first team is a Special Warfare Intelligence Team, 17 Royal Marines, belonging to 30th Royal Marines Commando, the intelligence and general support commando., in my little world they are a SIGNIT, signal intercept team, and intelligence operators, commanded by Captain Danielle Start, a character that is the combination of two of my coworkers, yes both blonde and both very British, the team has 3 Land Rovers with ¼ ton trailers, or travel on horseback when they split up into smaller teams. This team ends up working with the Command Group. All the figures are Elhiem figures, as are the 4 Quad Runners; the 3 Land Rovers 110 are Airfix models
W Company 45th Commando Royal Marines were part of the NATO Mobile Force Brigade GCE (Ground Combat Element), in the Baltic, W Company was tasked to provide security for the SOE resupply base at GK Driveline 17 to which they provided a reinforced platoon which served together with the local Home Army Battalion that help control the city of Olesnica.
The company other 2 platoons of Marines in what are known as Close Combat Troops, and a Weapons Troop (platoon) with 3 L16A1 81 mm mortars and 4 GPMG on tripods, were sent to Poland to assist with the Offensive, and find a missing SS-25 missile Launcher and a S-300 Battery that was protecting the SS-25.
The Company was being airlifted via 9 HC-1 Special Operations Helicopters from Royal Air Force 34th Special Operation Aviation Squadron, when 4 were shot down. This nearly half of the unit on the ground at the GK Driveline 17 plant in Olesnica, Poland. Where they have a large Factory like building in which they are hiding the 2 HC1 Chinook that remain operational, and the senior Marine on the Ground is the 1st Lieutenant in charge of the 1st Platoon, the 2nd Platoon and parts of the weapons troop. The decision was made to leave the GK Driveline Plant and take all the personnel on the 2 operation HC1 to a location north near Gdansk, Poland, where the Royal Marines would meet with Polish Special Forces Unit Formosa and set up operations.
Command of W Company will be turned over to the newly promoted Major Danielle Start, RM when she rejoins the company, currently she remains south at the compound that her section is sharing with the American Special Operations Intelligence Unit, Ardent Sarcap.
I am trying to find BV202 for their standard transports, I will probably get 3 or 4 one for each troop to carry their supplies, and the Land Rovers going to the weapons troop to transport the mortars and the ammo.
The US Air Force 752nd Special Operation Group
This group is based in the United Kingdom, and provides Special Operation Aviation Support in the European Theater; they have MC130, MV22, MH60H, and MH53G aircraft as well as the 321st Special Tactics Squadron, with the conflict going as long as it has some of the operators had been attached to various units in the conflict, the members of this unit must have been service members in another Special Operation unit prior to entering the Air Force Special Tactics community (that was a requisite in 1998, since 2001 it has changed with the higher operations tempo) So I have scattered throughout my units Combat Controllers (CT), Para Rescue men (PJ), JTAC Operators and others. Most the personnel will be seen with elements of W Company Royal Marines and Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha 311. These miniatures are Elhiem Figures.
In my current adventure, the possibility of coming across a resupply by the Air Force 752 Group or the Royal Air Force 34th Special Operation Squadron which also operates the MH the form of 2 MH47G or the single MV22 Osprey which remains operational.
The US Air Force 321st Special Tactics Squadron (STS)
This squadron, combined with the unit’s sister airborne units in the 752nd Special Operations Group allowed the group to be capable of handling situations within a 4300-km range of RAF Mildenhall in the United Kingdom or further with fuel stops and make up the special operations forces element of the United States Air Forces in Europe, their specialized training and support structure make them a very versatile unit.
The 321st STS provides a quick reaction, rapidly deploy-able force to establish and provide air to ground control during special operations or conventional missions. Its combat controllers and Pararescuemen conduct the reconnaissance, surveillance, assessment and creation of assault zones sites and provide air traffic control and long range secure command and control missions.
Currently deployed in the field in 4 member teams, there are 4 teams from the 321st STS on the ground, 1 of these teams is with Command Sergeant Major Webber’s team. The other 3 teams are scattered in the area south west of Olobok, where they have been coordinating air drops for the Polish Home Army.
2nd Platoon, Regimental Reconnaissance Company, US 75th Ranger Infantry Regiment
The Ranger Reconnaissance Company is a deep strike reconnaissance force, basically the most badass of all the Ranger bad asses. They operate behind enemy lines usually in small teams capable of gathering intelligence, conducting surveillances and conducting surgical strikes that require absolute finesse.
The platoon has 24 members divided into 4 small 6 member teams with 1 acting as a headquarters, they have 1 M1028 Hummv and 3 M984, 5 ton trucks that they use to keep all their worldly possessions, the team was assigned to link up with W Co, 45th Royal Marine Commando and become its 3rd platoon. Currently operating in Poland at large, no known location for the teams, all the teams were ordered to withdraw on foot back to their home base which is north of the city of Olawa, Poland.
Polish Special Operation Unit Formosa, 3rd Platoon, Seal Team 4
The Polish Special Operations Community was always very close with the Western Military units, Formosa was no different, working with the US Navy Seals and Riverine Warfare units and British Special Boat Squadron.
When the war broke out Formosa, did its job conducting patrols in the Baltic and protecting Polish interests, when the war got closer the unit’s interest remained pro west, when the US 2nd Marine Division came to Gdansk all that change with the unit openly allying itself with the NATO forces and 3rd Platoon Seal Team 4 which was part of the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Forces.
Formosa moved its headquarters away from the Port of Gdansk and into the town of Swibno, Poland at the mouth of the Vistula River. 3rd Platoon Seal Team 4 remained behind when the 2nd Marine Division began there push towards the German Border along the coastline. With them stayed 2 MH60L, 1 SH60F, and 3 MH6F and additional crew members they have set up an airbase of sorts near the port, the helicopters extremely well hidden to avoid detection. Currently their strength is 123 personnel, 47 of those are US Navy personnel. In addition to the helicopters, unit Formosa has 3 CPB90, 6 Seal MK V Boats, and 7 Rigid Raider Boats.
Where are, we going to go…?
The heroes of our games are engaged in a lot of cloak and dagger,
1) Destroy an SS-25 missile, which does not work and the supporting forces, they are going to be operating in the area south of Olawa, Poland.
2) Where they will encounter the Polish People’s Army in larger encounters as they try to accomplish their own missions in support of their Soviet Masters.
3) Assist the Royal Marines Captain in making it to the Baltic Coast, where her command is awaiting her arrival.
4) Air base 39, an abandoned Warsaw Pact Air base in Olesnica, Poland poses an interesting number of scenarios that I have yet to explore.
5) Move north towards the Polish Home Army’s area of control, which is west of Warsaw to the Baltic Coast.