Saturday, January 25, 2020

HMMWV in 28mm

Apologies for my absence from this blog.

The US HMMWV is an iconic vehicle in Twilight 2000 (and I have a number of 20mm scale ones somewhere) but this is my first one for 28mm.

The Empress kit is mainly in a white resin with white metal 0.50" HMG, hatch and pintle.
This is the model dry assembled with William Killian for scale.

As we all know, vehicles in Twilight 2000 need to carry all the team's equipment, so they tend to be heavily loaded.

I looked through my collection of Crooked Dice, Debris of War and Empress Stowage items to load up the back of the vehicle together with Greenstuff soft stowage..

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Twilight 2000, The Look on the Tabletop, Part 1, Vehicles

Twilight: 2000 is in some ways, a unique post-apocalyptic experience, it isn't quite Mad Max, it isn't quite Gamma World, or for tha...